.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ===================== Migration to yaql 1.0 ===================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/murano/+spec/migrate-to-yaql-vnext yaql 1.0 has a long list of improvements over yaql 0.2 used by Murano. But it is not a drop-in replacement for yaql 0.2 and requires to perform serious changes to Murano in order to switch to it. ------------------- Problem description ------------------- While yaql 1.0 is more or less similar in terms of query language to that in v0.2 it is very different in how its functionality exposed to a hosting project. Most notable differences are: * syntax for Python function declaration for yaql is different from that in yaql 0.2. * yaql 0.2 had so called #resolve() function. When it encountered function call expression (say ``foo()``) it tried to call ``#resolve()`` so that it will do the function resolution. If #resolve was not present in context of failed to resolve function standard yaql 0.2 resolution procedure was used. Murano used #resolve to catch attempts to call ``$obj.something()`` where obj is a MuranoObject because it is impossible to register all possible methods of all possible objects in advance. yaql 1.0 doesn't have neither ``#resolve()`` nor anything similar to it. * yaql 1.0 doesn't have tuples syntax any more. In v0.2 ``foo(a => b)`` meant ``foo(tuple(a, b))``. In v1.0 ``=>`` syntax means keyword argument value. Murano used to convert tuples to keyword arguments when calling MuranoPL methods. * in yaql 0.2 parser was a global object so that you could say yaql.parse(). In v1.0 parser itself is customizable and need to be constructed by the hosting project so you need a parser instance (called YaqlEngine in v1.0) to parse expressions. * yaql 1.0 doesn't have ``#validate()`` function used to implement ``:`` in ns:TypeName syntax. yaql 1.0 also doesn't have ':' operator but has a way to define custom operators that can be used instead. * there is a great overlap between MuranoPL and yaql 1.0. yaql have a rich and extensible framework to decorate function parameters to specify their type and requirements, to inject hidden parameters and to control parameter laziness. Not only it used for validation but also for function overload resolution. In MuranoPL there are argument contracts serving similar purpose. However their implementation is completely independent from each other as for the whole function invocation process. As a result for MuranoPL methods that are writen in Python (system classes) it is impossible neither contracts nor yaql specs, have additional injected parameters and so on. --------------- Proposed change --------------- In Murano Engine: ================= * Create and store in a global variable YaqlEngine instance that will be used through the application to parse expressions. Update all the places where parsing takes place to use that object * extend list of yaql 1.0 parameters specifications (smart-types) with additional that will validate parameter value using contract expression. * generate yaql 1.0 FunctionDefinitions from MuranoPL yaql methods using introduced smart-type. As a result all MuranoPL methods will be directly exposed as yaql functions. Actual function payload will still point to MuranoDslExecutor code to perform correct context switching, locking and logging * do similar thing for native MuranoPL methods (those that are written in Python). Python methods could use any yaql parameter declarations and full potential of yaql 1.0 specs. So now yaql functions, Python methods and YAML methods will all be unified as yaql functions/methods with full interoperability. For native methods there will be 2 FunctionDefinition: one is the interface stub that gets registered in yaql context and calls executor.invoke_method() under the hood. And another one for a native method itself to call methods via yaql mechanics (and apply all the smart-type specs) rather that via custom reflection-based implementation that is found in dsl code. For YAML methods method.body will still remain the dictionary as it is now * implement ``#operator_.`` (``.`` operator) in such a way that for expressions of a form ``$obj.foo()`` where ``$obj`` is a MuranoObject it will discover all possible methods of ``$obj``'s type (via added MuranoClass functionality) and continue with ``foo(sender=$obj)`` execution in a child context with all ``$obj``'s method registered in it. This is a way to dynamically register functions in context overcoming absence of yaql 0.2's ``#resolve()`` * configure yaql engine to have additional operator ``:`` with a highest priority. Expressions of a form ns:Type should be resolved in place using current Namespaces specification and resulting type name will be used to obtain MuranoClass from class loader. As a result of operation return special object (MuranoClassReference) that will wrap MuranoClass and could be used to reference type in YAML MuranoPL code without providing access to MuranoClass internals. That can be used later to implement static methods with ``ns:Type.foo()`` syntax * add one more yaql smart-type so that it will be possible to declare that function requires type reference. This smart type should accept both strings and MuranoClassReference objects. new() and class() functions should be implemented with this smart-type. This will allow transparency between string-based syntax new('io.murano.MyClass') and new(ns:MyClass) since ns:MyClass will not be a string anymore * change dsl's and engine's yaql functions to have new declaration syntax. Remove functions that are already present in yaql 1.0 standard library. * use yaql 1.0 legacy mode for backward compatibility with existing MuranoPL applications In python-muranoclient: ======================= * create global YaqlEngine and update code to use it (and new yaql module structure) * update YaqlExpression code to use that global parser object and new yaql's module structure In Murano Dashboard: ==================== * make dashboard either use parser object from updated python-muranoclient or create one for itself * update yaql functions that were written for dynamicUI forms to have new declaration syntax * because dashboard uses expression serialization (pickling) and yaql 1.0 expressions are not serializable because of a outer AST expression contains reference to YaqlEngine used to create it and YaqlEngine cannot be made serializable there is a need for custom pickling code that will make pickle not to try to serialize YaqlEngine instance * use yaql 1.0 legacy mode for backward compatibility with existing MuranoPL applications. In the future we can switch to non-legacy mode on newer form format versions. ------------ Alternatives ------------ Try to fix some of the bugs in yaql 0.2 and not to switch to v1.0 Data model impact ================= None REST API impact =============== None Versioning impact ================= yaql migration should not break existing applications so there is no versioning impact here. However it may have an impact on how plugins/system classes for MuranoPL are written. But since versioning is not implemented yet there is nothing to increment and backward compatibility will be broken for those classes. Also this yaql legacy mode may be switched off for next engine version and still be turned on for old applications Other end user impact ===================== Because new yaql is not 100% compatible with yaql 0.2 there is still a possibility that some applications will break even with compatibility mode turned on. For example there might be bugs in applications that remained unnoticed with yaql 0.2 but cause exception to be raised with v1.0 or application might have relied on yaql 0.2 buggy behavior that is not present anymore. Deployer impact =============== None Developer impact ================ Plugins will have to be updated to use yaql-style method declarations. But because yaql can infer many things automatically changes are going to be minor and will not require much efforts to do. However without any modifications old plugins will likely to break after migration will be made. Murano-dashboard / Horizon impact ================================= dashboard code need to be updated to use new yaql. This will not affect user experience -------------- Implementation -------------- Assignee(s) =========== Primary assignee: Stan Lagun Other contributors: Ekaterina Chernova Work Items ========== Bullets from "proposed changes" section may be used as a work items directly ------------ Dependencies ------------ This spec depends on yaql 1.0 be released and the latest changes in it. ------- Testing ------- Because applications can break they should be re-tested. When incompatibility found it is better to try to fix it in engine's code rather that in application to capture similar cases in other applications. -------------------- Documentation Impact -------------------- Documentation for how to write plugins/system classes need to be updated. Most of the newly introduced features to MuranoPL are direct consequence of new yaql features and should be documented in yaql's scope rather than copying it to MuranoPL documentation. ---------- References ---------- None