.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ======================================= Support Berkshelf for Chef applications ======================================= URL of launchpad blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/murano/+spec/support-chef-berkshelf The goal of this specification is to make possible the use of Berkshelf (http://berkshelf.com/) to manage Chef cookbooks dependencies when Chef is used to configure a VM. Problem description =================== Currently, Chef is one of the types supported in the Execution plan template. A Chef provider included in murano-agent gets the Chef cookbooks, generates the node specifications file and executes chef-solo to configure the VM. When a cookbook depends on other cookbooks, every transitive dependency must be made available before executing Chef. That means that the dependencies metadata for each cookbook must be recursively inspected by the creator of the Murano package and added to the required files in the Execution plan template. Example from murano-apps:: Scripts: executeRecipe: Type: Chef Version: 1.0.0 EntryPoint: git::default Files: - git: https://github.com/jssjr/git.git - yum-epel: https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/yum-epel.git - yum: https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/yum.git - dmg: https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/dmg - openssl: https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/openssl.git - chef-sugar: https://github.com/sethvargo/chef-sugar.git - chef_handler: https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/chef_handler - windows: https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/windows - build-essential: https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/build-essential Options: captureStdout: true captureStderr: true This list of cookbooks is painful to maintain and error-prone. Furthermore, a Chef cookbook can require a specific version or a range of versions for its dependencies. Therefore, the master branch or a git repository does not contain necessarily the right version of the cookbook. Versions resolution for the whole dependency graph is not an easy task to execute manually. That is why using a tool dedicated to this task is useful. Proposed change =============== It is proposed to add two new possible options to the Execution plan template. These options will be available only with the Chef executor (options are executor-dependent): * ``useBerkshelf`` (optional, default ``false``) * ``berksfilePath`` (optional, used only if ``useBerkshelf = true``) If ``useBerkshelf`` is not set or set to ``false``, the Chef executor will work as now. If ``useBerkshelf`` is set to ``true``, the Chef executor will expect Berkshelf to be present on the VM, and will use it to manage the cookbooks dependencies. In that case, the Chef executor will use Berkshelf and the *Berksfile* found on ``berksfilePath`` to *vendor* the package and its dependencies. Dependency and version resolution is done by Berkshelf using the Berksfile. The Chef executor will then specify to chef-solo the location of the cookbooks. If ``berksfilePath`` is not provided, its default value is ``/Berksfile``, where ```` is taken from the ``EntryPoint`` value. For example, if ``EntryPoint = example::default``, default value for ``berksfilePath`` is ``example/Berksfile``. A Murano package creator wanting to use Chef with Berkshelf will have to provide a link to the URL of a repository containing the main cookbook. Example:: |__ Classes │   |__ Example.yaml |__ logo.png |__ manifest.yaml |__ Resources │   |__ DeployExample.template |__ UI |__ ui.yaml With ``DeployExample.template``:: FormatVersion: 2.1.0 Version: 1.0.0 Name: Deploy example Body: | return executeRecipe(args).stdout Scripts: executeRecipe: Type: Chef Version: 1.0.0 EntryPoint: example::default Files: - example: https://github.com/cookbook/example.git Options: captureStdout: true captureStderr: true useBerkshelf: true In that example, the *berksfile* is found on ``example/Berksfile``, in the root directory of the git repository. Alternatives ------------ Librarian-Chef is another tool to manage cookbooks. But Berkshelf is better integrated in the Chef ecosystem than Librarian-Chef (Berkshelf is actually part of ChefDK). Furthermore, Librarian-Chef requires the creation of a ``Cheffile``, whereas Berkshelf uses the ``Berksfile`` already included in every cookbook. Data model impact ----------------- None REST API impact --------------- None Versioning impact ------------------------- Minor version of ``FormatVersion`` for the Execution plan template should be incremented (new feature, backwards-compatible). New ``FormatVersion`` should be ``2.2.0``. Other end user impact --------------------- None Deployer impact --------------- Berkshelf need to be installed in the VMs to be configured. Developer impact ---------------- None Murano-dashboard / Horizon impact --------------------------------- None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: o-lemasle (Olivier Lemasle ) Work Items ---------- #. Add Berkshelf support in murano-agent #. Create DIB elements to include Berkshelf in image #. Create an example application using Chef with Berkshelf Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= * Unit tests on murano-agent * Functional tests: deploy an application with Chef template and Chef cookbooks dependencies in Murano integration tests (``MuranoDeploymentTest``) Documentation Impact ==================== Information about how to create Execution plan templates with Chef and Berkshelf will have to be documented. References ========== * http://berkshelf.com/